“Extreme Football” or “Galactik Football” is an animated show based on football and adventures from space with incorporate science fiction. The series is based in the futuristic space where various planets and races play a distinct form of football called the ‘Galactik Football’ with the help of some Flux energy and mostly revolves around the Snow Kids, an ill-experienced team making their way in the Galactik Football League.
The Snow Kids originated from the cold climate of Akillian and was stripped of their Flux or ‘Breath of Akillian’ ten years before the events of the series in a terrible accident. Thus, Akillian was banned from practicing the sport, and three decades of stagnation set in due to his absence. Minutely, the story revolves around D’Jok, bright boy talented in football, who with his peers’ desires to be a professional footballer. Micro Ice Thran, Ahito and others are his friends and alongside them he is one of the main characters of the Snow Kids team.
After the tragedy which occurred in Akillian, Aarch, the former star of the Galactik Football and the coach of the Snow Kids leaves for the new place and the Snow Kids with the help of the Breath of Akillian qualify for the League of Galactik Football. The team has so many problems they are facing not only when they are playing their games but also in their day-to-day lives. They have to become as powerful as they possibly can they have to contain their own internal problems they have to contend with more powerful opponents from other planets, each with their own type of Flux. Other rival teams are closer to the Halos such as the Shadows, the Pirates, Wambas, and the Technoids.
By the time they get to the league, the Snow Kids are faced with and stumble upon conspiracies and secrets considered dangerous for the whole galaxy. It also helps that Aarch has past and personal interaction with Artegor, the Shadows’ coach, which gives opponents personal stakes. In the match there is high rivalry, as teams struggle for the title of the winners and getting the Galactik Football Cup. It also has themes such as friendship, cooperation, and the dream or goal in life, no matter the challenges.
This is because, apart from their victory and the essence of the Flux being depicted in the series in terms of winning matches, the Snow Kids’ journey is a path of self-discovery. They learn how to use the Breath of Akillian to their advantage while gaining a sense of responsibility while doing so. This is the cycle of football matches combined with emotional transformations and development of the main characters, exciting setting with the variant of different cultures and high technologies included.
During its existence, the show “Extreme Football” does not cease to attract the interest of people through animation, a fascinating plot, and the idea of applying elements of football and superpowers. The series caters for the lovers of both sports and sci-fi and brings to the audience an innovative and interesting view at a popular sport in a world of the future.
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