“Black Clover is an anime series from Japan based on the manga series with the same title written and illustrated by Yūki Tabata. In the story, magic is everything and anyone, at any given time, is capable of performing magic in some form or the other. However, a main character Asta deviates from common practice. He was born as a non-mage and despite that he aims to become a Wizard King who is recognized as the guardian of the Clover Kingdom and the most powerful mage.
Asta’s story starts when he was still a child wherein he was together with Yuno, another young talented magic user, aiming to become the Wizard King. There young life experiences involved them being left at a church as babies, when they grew up they become good friends and competitors. At the age of fifteen they start at the Grimoire Acceptance Ceremony in which Yuno for the first time gets an extremely rare four-leaf clover grimoire. On the other hand, Asta at first gets nothing but he later on got a five-leaf clover grimoire with Anti-Magic—a type of magic that can counter other kinds of magic.
Asta then belongs to a Magic Knights’ team called Black Bulls which is quite mischievous and heterogeneous; moreover, it is there that he finally finds friends who do not care that he is not able to perform magic. The team has Captain Yami Sukehiro who is hot-blooded but reliable and notices Asta’s potential. The other members, which are the Royal but kind-hearted Noelle Silva, and the hot-headed Magna Swing, became dear to Asta as his own family.
Over the course of the series, almost all characters have their fair share of trials and some really menacing opponents like the rogue mages and ancient demons. They also learn things about the kingdom’s past which was hidden and the relationship between the elves, a magical race and the humans, the clover kingdom’s history of discrimination and betrayal. Another one of Asta’s possible opponents are wizards of this type – mighty enemies against whom an Anti-Magic talent becomes vitally important, as it allows Asta to cancel spells.
When Asta and Yuno becomes stronger they recruit more companions and gain acknowledgment from their associates. Yuno is accepted in the famous Magic Knight squad called Golden Dawn and his performance in the show give him a high rank because of the great potential that he has. On the other hand, Asta gains the respect of other members of his squad as well as other knights, which shows that anybody who does not have magic power can also be a great fighter.
It focuses on such values as endurance, loyalty, and the need to appreciate one’s capabilities. Asta’s stiff-necked approach to the task as well as his optimistic outlook is infectious thus making him a beacon of hope for the entire kingdom. ”Black Clover” puts together fight and adventure with a lot of the components of fantasy and a lot of interesting setting. Asta and Yuno have been raising themselves up in the magic world in order to become the Wizard King but they both are those who never had the talent to become an outstanding mage, which shows everyone that anyone can become a Wizard King as long as they are willing to work for it.
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